I’m Roger and I have been playing the guitar for more than 20 years. I started learning the guitar from my uncle and cousin. In my early years, I put my talent to use in church worship services, during Christmas carols, and played in a band for weddings or festive occasions. I’m a self-taught guitarist who plays by ear. Only in the last few years have I started to learn about music and guitar theory. I love RnB and pop music. Recently, I started to like neo-soul guitar after seeing a few guitarists on Instagram and YouTube playing very cool music. I began to learn some of the techniques and chords they use to play neo-soul music. I enrolled in online guitar lessons and also purchased guitar learning materials to improve my skills.

Nowadays, I like to do song covers and post them on my YouTube channel and social media. I started teaching guitar in 2019 in a group setting, and later, when the pandemic hit, I started teaching online. I also follow a number of experienced guitar teachers on social media and learn how to teach effectively. The guitar is an amazing instrument that is easy to carry around, fun to play, and can be a source of stress relief and creativity cultivation. Knowing that there are so many benefits to learning the guitar, especially for our well-being, I decided that besides teaching guitar, I also want to help others improve their well-being by playing the guitar. I also want to help teenagers cultivate good habits and discipline through learning the guitar, and it makes me happy to see how playing the guitar can enrich people’s lives.

If you’re ready to take your guitar skills to the next level, sign up for guitar lessons with me today! Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate player, I can help you improve your technique, learn new styles and genres, and achieve your musical goals. With my years of experience as a self-taught guitarist and professional instructor, I’m confident that I can provide you with the guidance, feedback, and support you need to become a better musician. Don’t wait any longer to start your musical journey. Sign up for guitar lessons with me now and let’s make beautiful music together!
